Black History. Health Apathy. Raggedy Ass Synthetic Wigs

Black History

Happy Black History month! We here at Divine Clementine celebrate Black history/herstory 365 days of the year. My existence is Black history. The name madam cj was given to me by the legendary DJ Nabs of Hot 97.5 in the late 1990s when I had big dreams of being a choreographer, makeup artist and singer. Fast forward to 2025, I have done all of those things. We have now embarked on another round of whiteness trying to erase our history. I decided in 1994, that marching was not my preferred method of boycotting. I was taught that being born in a Black body, I would have to fight for my rights and life, for the rest of my life, in some way, shape, form or fashion. I was taught at an early age, that I should not buy any product or service where I would not be hired to work. We have reentered that age.

Thankfully, I come from the bloodline of a Maverick maternal Grandfather, Gordon Carter, whom I lovingly named Doc. That photo at the top of this blog is me, Doc and my sister Nyki, taken in Memphis, TN, in 1980. It's intentionally blurry because the internet can be the wild, wild west at times. My Grandfather had a 6th grade education. He had to drop out of school to work and feed his family. My grandfather could not read past 6th grade until he was in his 50's, however, he became a successful businessman and father. He beat Pepsi Cola in the 1960s in Memphis, TN, in a discrimination lawsuit. He was never afraid of 'them peckerwoods' as he called whiteness and white folks, when I was growing up in the 80's and 90's. My grandfather never hesitated to pull a shot gun out on them peckerwoods when they tried his life. He integrated 2 all white neighborhoods, so that his 5 daughters could go to what folks thought then were "good" schools. 


Anyway, my point is I vote with my Economic Self Care. Cooperative economics is a lifestyle for me. While folks are sad about Target, X/Twitter, Tesla, Walmart, Meta, Amazon and TikTok, there is an opportunity for DEI folks to snatch our power and demand our rights. Frederick Douglass said, "Power concedes nothing without demand." If Black folks collectively stopped consuming and buying for 1 year, like our grandparents did during the Montgomery Bus Boycott, from the above-named and more unsupportive, corporate entities, we could demand so much more. 


Health Apathy

“Are you sure, sweetheart, that you want to be well?… Just so’s you’re sure, sweetheart, and ready to be healed, cause wholeness is no trifling matter. A lot of weight when you’re well.”
― Toni Cade Bambara , The Salt Eaters

I have learned a new term and it's something that I have been witnessing/observing in the Black community since 2020. The term is called "health apathy". What is health apathy? Check out this clip from Dr Raven the Science Maven on IG. 

Health apathy is basically when people feel apathetic to their health needs. They will feel indifferent, not as motivated to take intentional wellness seriously, or to create a whole new lifestyle because they may feel hopeless and a sense of overwhelm due to systemic racism and other barriers they may face. Health apathy can result in personal health negligence. This is why the quote from Toni Cade Bambara rings so loud and true for us here at Divine Clementine Bath & Body. We are Self Care Revolutionaries! We believe that we can live a life of wellness. We understand that maintaining consistency and commitment to improve our health and wellness is key. By incorporating ancestral wisdom, holistic approaches, integrative medicine, herbs, rituals, Goats Milk, and Blood type nutrition, we can make a positive impact.

Raggedy Ass Synthetic Wigs


It has now been scientifically proven that synthetic braid hair and wigs are affecting Black women's health. Dr Raven the Science Maven and Dr Elissa Franklin, both Black women scientists, have been exposing their research and findings on the dangers of synthetic braid hair and wigs. These two young sistahs are giving those of you who need scientific proof, the proof! Chile! We have been telling anyone who would listen about the EWG,org study done in 2016. It said that 1 in 12 products with fragrances were marketed to Black women and they are dangerous to our health. They can cause wheezing, headaches, hormonal imbalance just to name a few issues. 

I believe this speaks to a bigger issue of self-love and embracing our natural Black selves as women, girls and humans overall. I believe all of these things are giving us the opportunity to embrace our full Blackness and starve anything that interferes with that. 

We created the Divine Clementine Beauty of the Week for this reason. Too many young Black girls are walking around here looking alike in these horrible wigs as the everyday go to look instead of embracing themselves whole heartedly. No, there is not anything wrong with adorning oneself or changing up a look. There is however, a disconnect and problem when a person has to depend on fake hair, lashes and makeup to feel secure. The programming for insecure girls and women starts at age 8. 

Simply put, it's time for us to get back to living sustainably, analogue, slowing down, unplugging from the matrix, reconnecting with the land and our communities. Who else is down with getting back to the simpler things in life? Do you know what sustainability is?

All of Divine Clementine Bath & Body soaps can be used from head to toe. Yes, you can wash your hair with our soaps and they are safe enough to use on your face and your private parts. We have monthly soap subscriptions and we can come speak to your youth about the dangers of personal care products and how they affect the menstrual cycle.  

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